Old School Survival Boot Camp 2022
I had so much fun last year at the 2021 Old School Survival Boot Camp that when I was asked to participate again this year as a presenter and vendor, I could not turn down the opportunity! I met so many people and was impressed with how much they desired to learn!
This year I will be teaching four classes at the Old School Survival Boot Camp held May 13-15, 2022 in the gorgeous Hocking Hills area of Ohio.
For more information, go to the Old School Survival Boot Camp website!
All of my classes will be held at Tent 6.
Tent 6
9 AM Friday, Saturday, & Sunday – Foundations of Making Plant Medicine
The main goal of this class is to discuss why making plant medicine may be a viable alternative, or supplement to, so-called “modern” medicine, and it is my hope that students walk away from the class inspired and confident that they can learn to make some herbal remedies for themselves.
10 AM Friday, Saturday, & Sunday - Understanding Tincture Ratios
The main goal of this class is for students to understand ratios and solubility as they relate to making herbal tinctures. It is highly recommended, though not necessary, that students buy the book, Making Plant Medicine by Richo Cech, as the underlying goal is for students to walk away from the class confident in being able to use this book to make a wide variety of tinctures.
11 AM Friday, Saturday, & Sunday – Fire Cider
The main goal of this class is for students to learn what Fire Cider is, how to make it, and how to use it. It is recommended, though not necessary, that students buy the book, Fire Cider! by Rosemary Gladstar and Friends (including me!), as it is my hope that students will add Fire Cider to their home remedy repertoire.
3 PM Friday – Flint & Steel
In this class students will learn how to light fires with flint & steel. They will learn how to make charred cloth, find and process materials for a bird’s nest (tinder bundle), put together an effective fire lay, create a spark with flint and steel, and coax an ember into flames. Attendees will receive a flint & steel kit that comes with a steel striker, a piece of flint, charred cloth, and an Altoids tin style container to store the kit in.
Maximum number of attendees per class - 20.
Make and Take kit fee $20
3 PM Saturday & Sunday – Woodsman EO Kit
In this class I will introduce the students to the herbal kit that I almost always take with me when I’m camping, hiking, or bushcrafting in the woods. Students will learn why I have been using this kit for so many years, and they will make their own kit with ingredients that I will provide.
Due to the time restraints involved with this class, all infused oils necessary for this herbal kit will be previously prepared by me (probably with the help of one of my nieces), but the procedure to make infused oils will be explained so that participants can make them at home by themselves. The same is true of the disinfectant liniment, which takes months to prepare.
Participants will receive an Altoids style tin with a custom made cloth insert to help protect their herbal kit, as well as the ingredients necessary for each student to make my full kit consisting of roller ball bottles filled with each of the following four herbal preparations:
1) an infused and essential oil blend formulated to support minor cuts, scrapes, and the like
2) an infused and essential oil blend formulated specifically to help with burns and, possibly, to promote sleep
3) a diluted essential oil blend formulated to help with breathing and congestion after sitting around a smokey campfire
4) a disinfectant liniment that I have adapted to be useful concerning possible infections and to help promote healing of wounds
Maximum number of students in this class is 20
* No children under 18 are permitted to participate in this course to minimize risks due to handling essential oils and the disinfecting liniment.
Make and Take Fee: $20
Folks who wish to sign up and reserve a spot for the Friday Flint & Steel class or the Sunday Woodsman Essential Oil Kit PLUS class may contact me at:
My preferred method of payment is through PayPal, but if that is not an option, contact me privately through Facebook Messenger or by e-mail and we can probably work something out.
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Among the very best sources for high quality herbs!